Kundelungu National Park HIGHLIGHTS

Posted on April 17, 2011


Map of Kundelungu National Park

Well I’m finally able to upload something about my trip to Kundelungu National Park last weekend – internet hasn’t allowed it until now. Useless internet connection.

Kundelungu is considered as the sister park to Upemba, and as you can see from the map on the left, it is located right next to Upemba. The habitat and vegetation are slightly different to Upemba – Upemba consists mainly of open savanna plains, with miombo woodland in places, whereas Kundelungu is almost entirely full miombo woodland.

We visited a couple of waterfalls – Masansa and Lutshipuka – which were magnificent.

Anyway, this is just a short ‘highlights’ video. More to follow in a few days…

Kundelungu National Park – HIGHLIGHTS from Gabriel Chapman on Vimeo.

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